That is all about you, baby. The heart for your work is something that lives within you. It's close to the surface, perhaps. So close that people can see your dreams in your eyes. People can feel your passion when you walk in the room.

Embrace Your Self

You have to get comfortable in your own skin if you want to find your passion for the fashion world. Know yourself: what you like and what you don't like. Start a journal, make a statue to yourself, whatever it takes to light the fires of your passion.

Be Grateful

Make a list of what you are grateful for in your life. It's okay to be grateful for challenges by the way--they make you who you are. Being grateful for the things in life lets you brush away negative crap that gets in the way of your passion.

Visualize Your Success

See the dress that takes a walk down the runway. See the gown that Jessica Alba wears to the Oscars, and see that it has your name on it. Seeing is the gateway to our souls, and tapping into this powerful gateway allows you to make your dreams become reality.