Learn what schools offer fashion programs. You're not looking for basic home-ec stuff, either; you want design schools that will put your abilities to the test. After you've found a couple of design schools you'll need to find out which school will give you the best training considering your talents. Not every school is the perfect fit for every student.

Pick a School

Choose an accredited school that is recognized as a breeding ground for new designer talent. Many times, the name of the school you attended can get you an interviewprovided you have the resume to back it up.

Some accredited fashion design schools can be found at:

International Academy of Design and Technology is located in Chicago, Illinois, and offers fashion design.

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising is a particular college with four campuses in the state of California, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orange County and San Diego.

Westwood College is located in Los Angeles and offers several design degrees.

Berkeley College in New York offers several fashion design majors.

Get the Money

The reason you want an accredited school is so you can qualify for federal student aid and loans. Otherwise you'll have to find some other way to come up with the money to attend classes. Consider the costs of your education as an investment in your future.

You can sign up with FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid online.