Realize that intelligence tests aren't focused on book-smarts, they test your problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as spatial-relations. IQ tests examine the mental abilities of a person relative to people of the same age. It may be possible to raise your score a few points, but a large jump would be very hard to achieve. Taking classes, reading and doing mental exercises (such as puzzles) are ways to increase your IQ score.

The first thing to do is to take a practice IQ test. You can do this alone, at home but do not cheat. This test will give you a base score will allow you to determine whether or not improvement is necessary (or possible). The best test to choose would be one that is comprehensive and reports the score you achieve in each respective category. This way, you know which areas you should try to improve upon, and not waste your time on areas you have already mastered. (You could also take a series of categorized tests, but one all-inclusive test would be easiest.)

Next you can determine if there is any specific area in which you should focus your efforts, allowing you to decide what subjects on which you need to concentrate your time and effort. The areas that already have high scores can be neglected for the ones that you think you can improve. (High scores are hard to remedy as it takes going to much greater lengths to change them.)

Once you've chosen your problem areas, take time in each of them to learn a little more. It may be a simple as going through your IQ test and determining why an answer was the correct one (if you choose this route remember-there is no one formula for each question) or contacting someone in the proper field for assistance (a teacher, tutor, etc). There are test workbooks that give questions, answers and explanations. A really interesting (and fun) alternative is IQ training on the Internet. There are a variety of websites that offer training (some are free and some have fees attached). Software Picks Network offers an IQ training download, but there is a fee involved. For a free IQ training download try here. There are also computer games that can be purchased or downloaded that assist with concepts such as logic, memory, spatial skills, strategy or overall intelligence.

Take a bunch of different IQ tests to better your scores. This works well with the Internet as you can find many different tests with a variety of questions. If you have access to many different hand-taken tests, this would work well also. (Answering the same questions over and over will maybe raise your IQ value on one particular test, but not in general).

A peculiar way that you could raise your score, sounds kind of fishy, but it is said to work. If you are right-handed, begin using your left-hand (or vice-versa) for everyday tasks such as lifting a fork or brushing your teeth. This will engage the other side of your brain, and stimulate it for learning.

These are just a few options to help you raise your score. Intelligence isn't a universal concept. As a matter of fact it's very difficult to judge a person's intelligence as we all come from different backgrounds. There are many elements not taken into consideration in IQ testing such as emotional intelligence, social elements, etc. Some scores can be deceiving and scores from different tests can range across the board.


If you are really serious about raising your score, there are organizations you can contact for assistance. National organizations such as MENSA can be found on the web or in local chapters across the country. These organizations can assist you in finding help, tests, and other important information. Many of the websites also contain Internet communities that allow members to chat and discuss different topics.

Bookstores with Tests:

Outside of the Internet, IQ tests can be found at book stores or through mail order. Tests taken through mail order usually have some sort of cost associated with them, but there are free tests available. You can find practice IQ test books at your local bookstore or online at www.Amazon.com. Here are some good IQ tests and books on the tests for purchase:

Test Your IQ

Complete Book of Intelligence Test Exercises

How to Excel at IQ Tests, by MENSA