A broker is a person who does most or all of the apartment hunting work for you. Not for free -- brokers charge fees for finding you an apartment. That fee varies. It is usually equivalent to a little more than one month's rent, but it can be as high as 15% or 20% of one year's rent. This adds considerably to your living expenses, especially if you do not plan on staying in the apartment for several years.

Using a broker also has several advantages:

1. Brokers will do your leg work; they find apartments and make appointments to fit your schedule.

2. A broker would probably be invaluable to an individual who is unable to take time off from work, or someone who lives out of town.

3. Brokers also tend to have a wide selection of apartments to choose from, and they have access to apartments not available to the general public.

If you do decide to use a broker, there are several ways to find one. Many brokers advertise in newspapers or in online classified ads, and you can also find brokers in the good old yellow pages. Finally, many companies have associated brokers used for relocating employees. Ask your human resources person if there is a broker your company uses.

If you decide not to use a broker, you will want to clear your calendar for a few weeks and take your vitamins, because you have a lot of work ahead of you.

SoYouWanna know more? Check out our full-length article SYW find an apartment in NYC?