• Know that you will be judged by your appearance. Television is filled with people who are paid to make snap judgments based on how things look, so they can't help themselves when it comes to you. Like it or not, you need to look as good as you can. Dress for success.

  • Know what's 'going on in the world,' and what the day's top stories are. Be prepared to discuss three or four stories you have been following over the last few weeks. If the interviewer asks you what you think about any of the stories, don't give your personal opinion. Show that you can be objective.

  • Be prepared for breaking news. If there is breaking news and you happen to know something about whatever the story is, count your lucky stars and speak up. Volunteer whatever information or sources you know about without getting in the way.

  • For the love of God, do not be late. Deadlines aren't flexible in live TV. Strolling in late for an interview shows that you think they are!

  • Bring writing samples. Got any clips from your college newspaper? Bring them. (If you don't, and you are still in college, try to get some under your belt.) Otherwise, a good exercise is to grab some copy from the news wires - Associated Press, Reuters, etc. - and rewrite them as thirty-second anchor 'tells.' (A 'tell' or 'reader' is when an anchor reads the whole story into the camera without introducing a reporter who delivers a live report or taped piece.)

  • Bring story proposals. Here's where you can blow your interviewer away. Research two stories that have been simmering on the back pages but nobody is talking about or look into stories that everybody is talking about but nobody is writing about. Craft a brief proposal for each (a page will do) saying why it's important, who you would talk to, and what footage you would show with it.

  • Show that you're willing to do grunt work. If you're interviewing for an entry-level job, make it clear you're not afraid to do entry-level tasks -- because that's what you'll be doing. Let the interviewer know that you understand that these tasks are important to the big picture.

SoYouWanna know more? Check out our full-length article SYW get a job in tv news?