Yet another of your main responsibilities as the maid of honor is to coordinate a wedding shower. This is basically an event where a bunch of women sit around, play games, stuff their faces, and "ooh" and "aah" over blenders and bath towels. A good wedding shower takes creativity and a substantial amount of planning-you need to think about when and where to have it, who to invite, what party favors to give out, what games to play, where to get the strippers, how much it should cost . . . it's a lot of work! Which is why we wrote an entire SYW on the subject, aptly titled "SoYouWanna host a wedding shower?"

Read it thoroughly and enjoy it. Just remember to come back here, 'cause there's still plenty more for you to do. Like snag a man of your own in order to put a stop to the constant "always a bridesmaid, never a bride" jokes you hear. Or at least so you can get some good nookie.