There are a wide variety of sources that can be used to find information about the different types of prescription drugs. First, figure out exactly what type of information you are looking for. If you know specifically what you want to know it will be a lot easier to find information. Knowing the medical name for the drug you are looking up instead of the street name will help out a lot.

Do you want to know about a specific drug?

Are your questions general or specific?

Are you interested in specific companies associated with the drugs?

Once you've figured out exactly what it is that you'd like to know you're ready to begin researching the topic. Before you spend time researching ask anyone you know that might be knowledgeable about the subject to direct you to information. This does not mean your Aunt Millie. Just because someone is on a lot of prescription medication doesn't mean they are knowledgeable in what they do. This may solve your problem immediately. If you're not so lucky you may be in for some research.